# Week 2 - Detail and Character Design

 " The most important thing is the thing most easily forgotten "

While modeling and creating the details of an environment it becomes quite easy to forget the most important details. It especially becomes hard to keep track of everything that has already been done and what still needs to be done. 

Creating the flowers and the ivy to be represented in the same style was a challenge. 

The most important objects to model were the mushroom characters, they add the " homey " feel to the environment. Although they are important the characters were the last objects modeled. They almost became an afterthought... 

Modeling an environment and the characters are usually two separate projects, but now they had to be created at the same time. Getting caught up in making the environment led to them almost not being made. 

All of the hard surface objects were complete before the organic objects could be modeled. The large flowers had to be placed in the correct positions before the other organic details could be modeled and placed. The characters were mainly placed around the main focal point. 

Final Outcome of the Week:

The grass and the water made the scene very heavy (by making the scene very slow to work in) and had to be moved to two other separate scenes and then linked back into the main scene. The details in the scene and the characters are placed in their current positions to emphasise the main focal point further. 


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