# Week 1 - Mushroom Buildings and Layout

" Do we need holes ? "

While creating this mushroom environment, a big question was " Do we need holes? " and " Does every mushroom need one? ". These questions led to the largest part of creating the environment, getting the layout to work, and deciding which mushroom would be the focal point.

Making the mushrooms themselves was easy, but keeping the mesh clean after adding holes into them was the time-consuming part. 

I've decided to add holes into a few of the mushroom buildings to create windows and to add physical depth to the mushrooms themselves. Adding the holes into a few of the mushroom buildings already made them feel more like a home for a character than just some fungi placed in a scene.

Adding holes is a very destructive method and can very easily destroy or deform an object's mesh. Some mushrooms had to be modeled a few times to get the window to sit in the right place. Modeling the window frames and the glass was a very time-consuming process because the mushrooms were already placed at an angle. 

Final Outcome of the week: 

Adding holes into various of the mushrooms helped to create the main focal point (the large green mushroom on the front-right of the scene). The secondary mushrooms' layout is still at a developing stage and can change throughout the process to ensure that the main focal point stays where it is. The next step is to add more detail to each mushroom. 


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